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Decimal Worksheets

Looking for the best decimal worksheets on the internet ? Look no further! Our decimal worksheets are designed to help your students master decimal operations. With our free decimal worksheets, you can help your students develop a strong understanding of decimals, from addition and subtraction to fractions and more. Whether you're teaching single-digit decimals or multi-digit decimals, we have the perfect decimal worksheets for you. Try our free decimal worksheets today and discover why we are the best resource for all things related to decimals.
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Comparing Decimals Link
 - determining-greater-or-less-value worksheet  - determining-greater-or-less-value worksheet
Determining Greater or Less Value
Each worksheet has 18 problems determining which number is largest or smallest.
 - number-sentences-with-decimals worksheet  - number-sentences-with-decimals worksheet
Number Sentences with Decimals
Each worksheet has 18 problems comparing two decimal numbers .
 - comparing-to-hundredths worksheet  - comparing-to-hundredths worksheet
Comparing to Hundredths
Each worksheet has 20 problems comparing numbers with up to two numbers after the decimal (Hundredths) using greater than <, > or =.
 - comparing-to-thousandths worksheet  - comparing-to-thousandths worksheet
Comparing to Thousandths
Each worksheet has 20 problems comparing numbers with up to three numbers after the decimal (thousandths) using greater than <, > or =.