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Examen des ensembles de nombres - One atta Time

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À l'aide de l'ensemble de nombres, trouvez le mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.
87 , 87 , 87 , 82 , 90 , 86
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